Nostalgia Train Ride on the Hungarian Railway nostalgia trains, from Budapest to Lajosmizse on Dec 19, 2012.

The MÁV Nosztalgia Ltd. celebrates its 20th birthday in 2012. For this illustrious event on 19th December – exactly on the day of departure that happened two decades ago – a steam-traction Nostalgic Memorial Train runs from Budapest -West Railway Station (Nyugati Train Station) to Lajosmizse –Nostalgia Farm Inn (Tanyacsárda) station!
The programme has plenty of surprises with gipsy band, games, equestrian show and a tremendous atmosphere! During the journey the former and present staff of the company assures the comfort of our guests!
During the programme Aradszky László – the Hungarian representative of retro Italian hits – entertains our guests with his repertoire. Birthday congratulatory slides of MAV Train Nostalgia will be the highlight of the evening in the csárda: reminiscence in pictures and stories!
We travel from the Lajosmizse Tanyacsárda station to the inn by a horse-drawn cart.
Timetable of the steam traction memorial train running both with nostalgic and experience train cars:
Budapest – Lajosmizse
Registration – 16:30 West Railway Station – in the Royal Waiting Hall (near the 10th platform)
Departure – 16:58 Budapest West Railway Station
Arrival – 19:30 Lajosmizse – Nosztalgia Tanya station
Lajosmizse – Budapest
Departure – 21:42 Lajosmizse – Nosztalgia Tanya station
Arrival – 22:40 Budapest Kőbánya – Kispest
Arrival – 23:00 Budapest West Railway Station
We suggest the following menu for our dear guests for supper, which is included in the participation fee:
Stew-soup of Mizse
On roast plate:
o Costermonger roast with French fries
o Chicken-breast fillet collared in bacon of Kolozsvár with buttered vegetables
o Turkey-breast stuffed with cheese with rice boiled in a Parisian way
Flaming milken pie with home-made apricot jam
Frittmann wines
Bottled water (Szentkirályi mineral water)

Participation fee, price of the birthday programme together with supper:
On standard class: 12 345 Ft/person
In 3rd class, wooden seated nostalgia cars: 12 345 Ft/person
On Pullman Club class: 14 345 Ft/person
In 1st class cushiony nostalgia cars: 14 345 Ft/person
Pullman Club class and 1st class cushiony nostalgia cars
Participation prices concerning to the Pullman Club class and to the 1st class cushiony nostalgia cars include a round-trip ticket, a reservation in the cars equipped with exceedingly comfortable seats, as well as extra services: a separate staff assures the comfort of our passengers, high-standard, gratis papers and magazines are available for our guests. Unlimited mineral water, coffee and tea are consumable at the seats.
Participation fee contains a round-trip ticket and a reservation by name and the indicated supper menu in the Tanyacsárda.
The staff of the Máv Nosztalgia Ltd. assures the comfort of the passengers during the whole time of the journey and a continuous passenger information relating to the destination information. During the outward journey we serve welcome drinks and welcome snacks for our guests, and we prepare a little present for the way back, and by the „13+1 Pools” tickets for other journeys can be won. (Further information about the offer of the dining car is available by clicking HERE)
Ticket sales
MÁV Nosztalgia Ltd. Sales Office personally near 10th platform
of the West Railway Station in Budapest
Book a ticket on-line at the “application for this program” title at the top of the page after registration
Tel./Fax: (+36 1) 269-5242
Mon-Thu: 10:00 – 18:00
Fri: 10:00 – 16:30
Email: [email protected]
MÁV Nosztalgia Ltd
Central Office/postal address: H-1142 Tatai út 95., Budapest (In the area of the Railway Historic Museum)
Telephone: (+36 1) 238-0558
Mon-Fri: 09:00 – 17:00
Fax: (+36 1) 238-0559
Email: [email protected]
Further ticket sales point
Wasteels Travel Ltd.
near the 9th platform of the East Railway Station
Mon – Thu: 10:00 – 18:00
Fri: 10.00 – 17:30
Telephone : ( 0036-1) 210-2802, 343-34 92
Fax: ( 0036-1 ) 210-2806