All posts tagged Traditional Hungarian Christmas

Hungarian Christmas Songs: Kiskaracsony, Nagykaracsony (Little Christmas, Big Christmas) by the Hungarian Children’s Choir of the Hungarian TV and Radio (the best Hungarian kids choir). This is the most well known Hungarian Christmas song sang by the whole family regardless of vocal chords, ages, talents. Cultural note: Little Christmas is Jan 1, big Christmas is Dec 25 in Hungarian folk traditions.

What most families would sing on Christmas Eve around the Christmas tree are simple Christmas folk songs and religious songs in Hungarian. Probably the most popular song is Little Christmas, Big Christmas Kiskaracsony – Nagykaracsony, which children learn to sing at a very young age (by around 2 years of age they can join in the family singing).

Kiskarácsony, nagykarácsony, (little Christmas, big Christmas)
kisült-e már a kalácsom? (has my milk bread been baked?)
Ha kisült már, ide véle, (if it has, give it to me)
Hadd egyem meg melegébe! (let me eat it while it is hot)

Jaj, de szép a karácsonyfa! (How beautiful the Xmas tree is)
Ragyog rajta a sok gyertya! (and the many candles all sparkle)
Itt egy szép könyv ott, egy labda! (there is a nice book, and a ball)
Jaj, de szép a karácsonyfa! (How beautiful the Xmas tree is)

less known verses:

Béke szálljon minden házra,
Kis családra, nagy családra!
Karácsonyfa fenyőága,
Hintsél békét a világra!

Kis fenyőfa, nagy fenyőfa,
kisült-e már a malacka?
Ha kisült már, ide véle,
Hadd egyem meg melegébe!