House of Terror Christmas Opening Hours

House of Terror Christmas Opening Hours

The House of Terror Museum in Budapest is really special museum, one of the very few places in the world where you can get a spine chilling feel for what it may have been living under a totalitarian dictatorship behind the Iron Curtain in the Cold War era, and what it was like to endure the cold-blooded cruelty of the Communist secret police, and the Nazi regime.

House of Terror, Budapest

House of Terror, Budapest – Anthony Citrano Photography

Opening Times of the House of Terror, Budapest (Terror Háza) during the Christmas Holidays

December 24: not finalized yet, but probably closed

December 25: Closed

December 26: Closed
December 27, 28, 29, 30 regular opening hours apply, from 10am to 6pm (except for Mondays).

December 31: Closed

January 1: Closed

January 2: Open as usual


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