Jose Carreras, the world famous Catalan tenor will perform his Christmas concert at the Budapest Palace of Arts, the huge concert hall, shortly known as MUPA (as the acronym in Muveszetek Palotaja).

The performance will be stellar and accordingly the tickets are insanely expensive compared to usual Hungarian concert and opera prices. But if you want to hear first grade, top notch tenor, it has its price, especially at Christmas. What a perfect gift for a luxurious Budapest Xmas getaway!
Event: Jose Carreras Concert Show at the Budapest Palace of Arts (MUPA)
Date: 7.30 pm – 10.30 pm, 16 December 2012,
Venue: Palace of Arts, Bartók Béla National Concert Hall
Prices: 15000, 20000, 25000, 30000, 39000, 40000, 59000, 60000, 99000 Ft (also include the Standing Reception in the Glass Hall after the performance)
Booking is on the official website of MUPA (the Palace of Arts)
[button link=””]Booking Carreras Concert[/button]
Jose Carreras will be accompanied by the National Philharmonic Orchestra from Kassa. Conductor David Giménez.
The performance will feature classic Christmas songs, like the Silent Night, Ave Maria, White Christmas, the Champagne Duet from Traviata. However, as you would expect, the celeb tenor does not give a fix program of the night, but lets himself guided by his instantaneous inspirations – inspired maybe by You.
Jose Carreras “Nessun dorma” Turandot